
Early Years Phonics Pebbles, Letters & Cubes

Choose from a wide range of phonics resources here at Hope Education, including magnetic letters and fun classroom games. We have phonics resources for EYFS through to Key Stage 3, including lots of activities that make learning phonics fun!

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Phonics is a key part of children’s education, and our range offers a broad range of resources to suit every style of learning. With a large variety of phonics resources for all skills levels, our range caters to all ages and abilities.

Browse our magnetic letters, phonics pebbles, alphabet wall charts, phonics reading books and much more to find all you need for the classroom. Alphabet wall charts are a great way to decorate the classroom with educational material, while fun phonics activities ensure children enjoy learning to identify and use different sounds.

Stock up on magnetic letters and more from our varied range today and browse our full English department for other options, including resources for speaking and listening and spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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