Numicon Big Ideas Teach Pack

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Numicon Big Ideas Teach Pack


Product code: HE1803899

GBP£171.89 inc VAT
In stock

Big Ideas is a catch-up programme for nine to 12-year-olds who would benefit from revisiting key concepts from the upper primary maths curriculum. It provides additional sessions for children in KS2 and KS3 to reinforce and embed key maths concepts. Everything you need to implement a KS2 primary maths catch-up or intervention programme. Using the proven Numicon approach, Numicon Big Ideas allows children to explore maths using structured imagery and apparatus in order to reinforce and embed key maths concept

Further Information

Age Range
10 Years +
Age Recommended from
10 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 3
Learning Outcomes
Place Value
Adding and Subtracting
Multiplying and Dividing
Decimals and Percentages.
Pack size
Product Type
GBP£171.89 inc VAT
In stock

Big Ideas is a catch-up programme for nine to 12-year-olds who would benefit from revisiting key concepts from the upper primary maths curriculum. It provides additional sessions for children in KS2 and KS3 to reinforce and embed key maths concepts. Everything you need to implement a KS2 primary maths catch-up or intervention programme. Using the proven Numicon approach, Numicon Big Ideas allows children to explore maths using structured imagery and apparatus in order to reinforce and embed key maths concept

Further Information

Age Range
10 Years +
Age Recommended from
10 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 3
Learning Outcomes
Place Value
Adding and Subtracting
Multiplying and Dividing
Decimals and Percentages.
Pack size
Product Type

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