Going for Gold

Hey there, treasure hunters! We’re turning up the excitement dial with our Going for Gold campaign. We’re giving away a huge £16,000 worth of prizes. Get in on the action to claim your share in two unbelievable golden opportunities. Are you ready to go for gold?

Hunt for golden tickets, win your share of £4,000

20 tickets across 6 incredible prizes worth over £4,000. Here’s what you could win:

£100 Gift card

Love2shop voucher

5 available


Win your wishlist

4 available

EuHu subcription

Annual subscription

2 available

Transform outdoor space

Transform outdoor space

1 available

Staffroom hampers

Staffroom hampers

5 available

Apple iPads

Apple iPads

4 available

How does it work:

How does it work:

Win your share of £12,000

Golden Gluetsicks


We’re hiding 6 golden glue sticks in orders of our
CLASSMATES pack 100 40g glue sticks.
Find one and win £2,000 worth of resources.


What is ‘Going for Gold’ all about?
Who can enter?
How do I enter?
How many prizes are available?
What prizes can I win?
I’ve found a Golden ticket. How do I claim my prize?
When do I have to claim my prize by?
How can I find out who has won a prize?